Friday, October 8, 2010

My College Experience

Oscar Wilde said- “Experience is the name every one gives to their mistakes “
Dear brothers and sisters, I feel privileged to share with you my college experience .As is clear from the proverb I quoted in the beginning , I would be discussing with you my college experience , that is, mistakes I committed in my college life. To some it may not sound appropriate and conventionally it may be unacceptable but that is how I see my experience.
I would start from the day I was admitted in college. Before taking admission, I was not confident of getting one but fortunately I landed on the moon though I never shot for the star. This moon was my college. Soon, I forgot the blessing and prerogative of studying in college with numerous facilities available at my disposal. This was my first experience and it took me time to realize when I saw poor people of my age working in unhygienic conditions for petty monetary gains insufficient for survival. I took the lesson that one should be contented and should thank GOD for his blessings.
As time passed, I got people by my side; yes I am talking of friends. My friend circle in college was surprisingly the most active group when it comes to things other than studies. I never paid heed to what I call as “sophisticated idiot boxes”, that are, BOOKS. The reason was the prejudice attitude of most authors. This was my second mistake and I realized after few years the importance of books. Through experience I was convinced that all writers are not bias and you need to know the wrong so as to reach to truth. Thus, all my friends started comparing contents of different books and helped me in getting the essence of education.
Samuel Taylor has rightly said- “The light which experience gives is a lantern on the stern, which shines only on the waves behind us.”
Thus, all my college experience is now proving to be lantern on the stern. During my initial years of college I remember we used to celebrate get together with friends and classmates. Interestingly, I remember that the brotherhood and camaraderie seen in those parties was no match to other group events. There used to be no discrimination, unlike, the materialistic world we are living where“to discriminate is ones’ right” ideology is available at everyone’s doorstep. Therefore, I feel that college life has given me experience and lesson as well, that brotherhood among people create an environment needed for development. I would like to end by concluding my college experience in the following words---
“I learned…that one can ever go back, that one should not even try to go back- that the essence of college experience is going forward. Life is really a one way street”

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